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My Ko-Fi allows you to leave single tips, subscribe to a few of my membership tiers for benefits, as well as shop for several digital downloads and mini-adoptables! I may start taking commissions through the service soon as well!Every little bit of support helps! And the more support I can get, the more I can stream, create artwork, and create downloadable and freebie content for you guys to enjoy!
❆|| She/They | 22 | Ace/Lesbian ||❆
Hey there! Call me Ter or Frosty!Im an OC artist who specializes in drawing monsters, robots, biomechs, and furries. I draw fan art and fan ocs sometimes, but I mostly stick to my true OCsMy biggest fandoms I participate in are transformers and warframe, but I also poke in and out of multiple closed species communities, and even run one of my ownI dabble in multiple different art styles, digital lined styles being my primary go to. However I also dabble with lineless painting, and both 2D and 3D animation (2D mostly).
Commissions are currently closed!Sorry about that! Check Back Later!
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